Get in Touch
Harry Feng
Pawtucket, RI
(401) 359-8116
Proud co-founder of
A powerful sports-betting optimization tool using advanced statistical analysis to predict winning bets and earn profits for customers.
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My experience:
Responsive Design
My Projects
Eureka Surveys' New Automated SEO Blog via GPT-4
Using GPT-4, I built a fully automated and native blog site from writing to publication. With firebase integrations, the blog is entirely self sufficient and low maintenance.
July 2023
StatSlam© Sports Betting Optimizer
Full-stack subscription-based sports betting optimizer algorithm, with long-term profit calculations and Stripe payment integrations.
January 2023 - Present
Wheeler Signouts Scanner System
Full-stack online signout system for future Wheeler high school students (as opposed to paper/pencil) to improve wait times and administration security.
May 2023
The Machine Musician
A powerful machine learning model that can compose music complete with melody lines and accompanying chords, in any key and quality.
September 2022
Android App
A very simple "Hello World"-esque Kotlin Android app built to experiment with Android development.
April 2022
Maze Generationr
An advanced graph traversal algorithm designed to generate perfectly pathed and unique mazes, with the solution on hand.
March 2022
Spell Checker
Spell-checker/autocorrect Python script, built using the trie data structure.
January 2022
Play tic-tac-toe against an optimized mini-max algorithm computer opponent, who will always (worst case) force a tie.
December 2021
Sorting Algorithms Visualizer
A visual display of the famous sorting algorithms, built in Python using matplotlib.
November 2021
Hello, World!
March 2020
Pawtucket, RI
(401) 359-8116